Retail Businesses Sub-Sectors
An interesting portrait of our retail businesses sub-sectors listed under NAICS 44-45 including the important sub-sector called NAICS 448191 - Fur stores to remind us of the importance of our fur trade industry.
Purpose of NAICS: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is an
industry classification system developed by the statistical agencies of
Canada, Mexico and the United States.
Created against the background of
the North American Free Trade Agreement, it is designed to provide
common definitions of the industrial structure of the three countries
and a common statistical framework to facilitate the analysis of the
three economies.
A new neighbor - Photo RLB
NAICS 4411 - Automobile Dealers
- NAICS 44111 - New car dealers
- NAICS 44112 - Used car dealers
NAICS 4412 - Other Motor Vehicle Dealers
- NAICS 44121 - Recreational vehicle dealers
- NAICS 44122 - Motorcycle, boat and other motor vehicle dealers
NAICS 4413 - Automotive Parts, Accessories and Tire Stores
- NAICS 44131 - Automotive parts and accessories stores
- NAICS 44132 - Tire dealers
NAICS 4421 - Furniture Stores
Establishments engaged in retailing new furniture and home furnishings and who usually operate from showrooms. Many also offer and sell interior decorating services and products.
A new neighbor - Photo RLB
NAICS 4422 - Home Furnishing Stores
- NAICS 44221 - Floor covering stores
- NAICS 44229 - Other home furnishings stores
NAICS 4431 - Electronics and Appliance Stores
- NAICS 443143 - Appliance, television and other electronics stores
- NAICS 443144 - Computer and software stores
- NAICS 443145 - Camera and photographic supplies stores
- NAICS 443146 - Audio and video recordings stores
NAICS 4441 - Building Material & Supplies Dealers
- NAICS 44411 - Home center
- NAICS 44112 - Paint and wallpaper store
- NAICS 44113 - Hardware stores
- NAICS 44113 - Other building material dealers
NAICS 4451 - Grocery Stores
- NAICS 44511 - Supermarkets and other grocery (except convenience) stores
- NAICS 44512 - Convenience stores
NAICS 4452 - Specialty Food Stores
- NAICS 44521 - Meat market
- NAICS 44522 - Fish and seafood market
- NAICS 44523 - Fruit and vegetable market
- NAICS 44529 - Other specialty food stores
- NAICS 445291 - Baked good stores
- NAICS 445292 - Confectionery and nut stores
- NAICS 445293 - All other special food stores
A new neighbor - Photo RLB
NAICS 4453 - Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores
Establishments engaged in retailing packaged alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine and liquor.
NAICS 4461 - Health and Personal Care Stores
- NAICS 44611 - Pharmacies and drug store
- NAICS 44612 - Cosmetics, beauty supplies and perfume stores
- NAICS 44613 - Optical goods stores
- NAICS 44619 - Other health and personal care stores
- NAICS 446191 - Food (health) supplement stores
- NAICS 446199 - All other health and personal care stores
NAICS 4471 - Gasoline Stations
- NAICS 44711 - Gasoline stations with convenience stores
- NAICS 44719 - Other gasoline stations
NAICS 4481 - Clothing Stores
- NAICS 44811 - Men's clothing stores
- NAICS 44812 - Women's clothing stores
- NAICS 44813 - Children's and infants' clothing stores
- NAICS 44814 - Family clothing stores
- NAICS 44815 - Clothing accessories stores
- NAICS 44819 - Other clothing stores
- NAICS 448191 - Fur stores
- NAICS 448199 - All other clothing stores
A new neighbor - Photo RLB
NAICS 4482 - Shoe Stores
Establishments engaged in retailing all types of new footwear along with retail shoe-care products.
NAICS 4483 - Jewellery, Luggage and Leather Goods Stores
- NAICS 44831 - Jewellery stores
- NAICS 44832 - Luggage and leather goods stores
NAICS 4511 - Sporting Goods, Hobby and Musical Instrument Stores
- NAICS 45111 - Sporting goods store
- NAICS 45112 - Hobby, toy and game stores
- NAICS 45113 - Sewing, needlework and piece goods stores
- NAICS 45114 - Musical instrument and supplies stores
NAICS 4529 - Other General Merchandise Stores
- NAICS 45291 - Warehouse Clubs
- NAICS 45299 - All other general merchandise stores
NAICS 4539 - Miscellaneous Store Retailers
- NAICS 45391 - Pet and pet supplies stores
- NAICS 45392 - Art dealers
- NAICS 45393 - Mobile home dealers
- NAICS 45399 - All other miscellaneous store retailers
A new neighbor - Photo RLB
Local Retail Businesses Sub-Sectors
The majority of our local retail businesses sub-sectors have fewer than 10 employees, the workforce is predominantly female and popular among young people and students aged 15 to 24.
NAICS 4513 - Book Stores and News Dealers
An industry group that comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing new books, newspapers, magazines and other periodicals.
NAICS 4521 - Department Stores
Establishments engaged in retailing a wide range of product lines in separate departments within one store with departments sometimes operated by separate establishments on a concession basis.
NAICS 4531 - Florists
Establishments engaged in retailing cut flowers, floral arrangements, and potted plants grown elsewhere and in preparing the arrangements they sell.
A new neighbor - Photo RLB
NAICS 4532 - Office Supplies, Stationery & Gift Stores
- NAICS 45321 - Office supplies and stationery stores
- NAICS 45322 - Gift, novelty and souvenir stores
NAICS 4533 - Used Merchandise Stores
An industry group that comprises establishments engaged in retailing used merchandise and antiques.
NAICS 454... - Non-Store Retailers
- NAICS 4541 - Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses
- NAICS 4542 - Vending Machine Operator
- NAICS 4543 - Direct Selling Establishments
- NAICS 45431 - Fuel dealers
- NAICS 45439 - Other direct selling establishments
Retail Businesses Sub-Sectors
Highly competitive local retail businesses sub-sectors, with a strong pressure on products and prices and in
full revolution with the rise of e-commerce and social networks.
So, if
you plan on opening a store in one of our commercial or not so
commercial street or, if your goal is to go online and create a trendy
online store, this is a list of many of your alternatives.
Montreal Kits
Retail Businesses Sub-Sectors
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