Facts of the Day

 Every day starts with three very important "Facts of the Day" in the life of Montreal Kits. Facts that often determine what is important, what needs to be done now and what should be done as early as possible.


 Every day of every week since it easily becomes an addiction. What is our Montreal Kits Alexa Traffic Rank in the world, in Canada and how many sites are Linking In to Montreal Kits?

 Our primary goal is to provide you, our visitors, with excellent content. Then, we have to make sure you like our content so, every morning, before we do anything else, we check our Montreal Kits statistics provided by SBI! for Solo Build It! Statistics such as our daily number of visits, of visitors and of visited pages plus, our monthly total visits, total visitors and total visited pages.

 What are the Google, Bing and Yahoo! ranks of each of our SBI! content pages, are there any >30 pages that could or should be improved or, should we simply wait, are we getting more popular or, more importantly, are we loosing some of our visitors.

 There is only one answer and one task, we need to constantly create great content.

Montreal Kits Facts of the Day #1
- Alexa Traffic Rank

 Basically, the Alexa ranking system makes public the number of visits on all websites. A fast and easy way to to check our rank on a daily basis. An easy to get ranking system, one that records traffic from users who also installed the Alexa app and there are millions.


 An Alexa ranking system based on two main parameters, reach and page views. Reach refers to the number of Alexa users who visit our site in one day and page views refers to the number of times each of our pages are viewed by Alexa users.

 All you have to do is go to alexa.com to download and install the Alexa toolbar. The first three results that appear are your global Alexa Traffic Rank, your Alexa Traffic Rank in your home country and the number of sites linking in your site. Alexa also offers a free Search Analytics section with interesting and useful data.

Montreal Kits Facts of the Day #2
- SBI! Traffic Statistics

 SBI! for Solo Build It! is the very effective "machine" behind Montreal Kits as well as behind many other successful and inspiring SBI! websites. 

 A "machine" or, more precisely, an "all-in-1 package of a step-by-step process, software tools, comprehensive guidance, 24/7 support" that enables Solopreneurs such as Montreal Kits build a profitable e-business. 

IIt definitely takes traffic to build income and it takes traffic stats to determine the strength of a site. Warm and willing to buy traffic that generates income along with participating companies and partners who also profit from our endeavor.

 Traffic stats on a per-month basis about the average number of visits, visitors and pages viewed per day and per month. Visits, visitors and pages that each have their specific meaning in terms of web content, web marketing strategy and web traffic.


 Visits is the average number of visits to our site per day and the total per month. Visitors is the average number of unique visitors who visit our site per day and the total per month.

 Pages viewed is the number of all the pages viewed by all our visitors during all their visits per day and per month. By comparing our monthly data we, the creator of Montreal Kits, are able to verify the steady growth in our overall traffic.

 Then again, and in order to succeed, we need to constantly create genuine and interesting traffic-building content related to you, our partners and related to Montreal and Montrealers.

Facts of the Day #3
- SBI! Search Engine HQ

 The SBI! Search Engine HQ also tells us how Montreal Kits is doing with Google, Yahoo! and Bing, the three most important search engines that account for over 95% of all web searches.

Montreal Kits Day #3

 Spiders may take weeks or months even to visit our site and index our pages so, we need to be patient and we need to keep building new content, our most important task.

 Without regular and high-value content that interests our visitors, few will stay on our site for long and even fewer will tell others about it.

 First we have to make sure that search engines rank our site highly for its valuable content and relevant keywords. Then we need links to our site from quality websites such as yours.

 As our site matures and as our reputation grows, Montreal Kits becomes the pride recipient of interesting visitors such as you along with many inviting links from quality sites such as yours.

Montreal KITS
Facts of the Day

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